Supported processors: Intel/AMD
Supported OS: Windows 10/11 All Winvers
Additionally you need to disable:
Disable Secure Boot
Disable TPM (Only if you use Xeroa for EAC Games)
Disable Windows Defender / Antivirus
Remove Faceit (CS2 Anticheat)
Remove Vanguard (Valorant Anticheat)
Where to start:
Head to our discord and look for the bot called “Demonix”, Message this bot the following command “!register” and follow instructions to register and change your password with the bot.
Once Registered you can claim your key by using this command “!redeem (Key)”.
For example; if you key is 12345 your use “!redeem 12345"
Now that you have redeemed you key you can join a discord which is only for Xeroa users by messaging “!invite xeroa” to Demonix bot.
You must join the Xeroa server in order to be able to download Xeroa
Ensure that everything in your BIOS is correct, all security features like anti-cheats/Virus & Threat Control is disabled/uninstalled.
Once everything is ready, you can start by messaging Demonix bot with this command “!build xeroa”
Run the loader as Administrator
Sign in with Username and Password created when registering with Demonix (bot)
Click Start Next to Xeroa
Note: When using Xeroa spoofer the first time you will be given a seed number. Save this seed number somewhere safe (Like notepad or a .txt) and use the same seed each time you use the spoofer. Only change the seed number if you get banned after doing a thorough cleaning of traces.
If you are banned from an EAC Title, make sure to check "Wipe Steam and EAC Data" after you press start.
If Xeroa won't load and says you need a new build, message Demonix bot again with "!build xeroa" for a new download.
Issue: Spoofer isn't working at all maybe right after you've played grayzone warfare? Solution: If you executed "Disable Extra Unnecessary Service" to make Gray Zone playable if you were having issues launching GZW undo this. Should work then.
Issue: Spoofer not spoofing motherboard serials correctly Solution: Go into bios and search for a "CSM" Option. Make sure its disabled
Issue: When TPM is OFF, you run into something like 'PIN is not Available' (TPM IS ONLY NEEDED TO BE OFF IF YOU ARE GONNA USE XEROA FOR EAC/EASY ANTI CHEAT / EFT IS A BattlEye/BE GAME.). Solution: Disable 'Windows Hello' then disable TPM (Trusted Computing in BIOS), afterwards you can re-add the PIN/Password. -To disable 'Windows Hello', search up 'Sign-in Options' using the Windows search bar. Afterwards, disable 'For Improved security, only allow Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft acccounts on this device (Recommended)' under the 'Additional settings' category. Refresh the page by clicking on 'Accounts' at the top then going back to Sign-in options OR just search up 'Sign-in Options' again. Once you refresh the page (needed cause the 'Remove' button is greyed out if you have it enabled and it won't be available to press if you don't refresh the page), go select 'PIN (Windows Hello)' and press 'Remove' for 'Remove this sign-in option'.
Last updated