This software uses unique identifiers of your "hardware."
• 1 account =1 PC (Example: when you first start the program, your account is linked to the current PC, further use of the same account on another PC is not possible)
• Supported processors: Intel, AMD
• Supported OS: Windows 10- 11 x64.
Additional Information:
Project Type: External
Game Mode: Borderless (Ensure Tarkov screenmode is set to borderless)
HWID SPOOFER - built into the software!
If you have played with other software before, then you need to restart your computer!
For the software to work correctly, you need to install and remove a number of programs.
It is recommended to install
• Redistributable packages Visual C++ 2008-2019
• Disable Hyper-Visor
• Disable antivirus.
• Disable SmartScreen
• Disable Windows Defender
• Enable Virtualization in Bios
• Set User Account Control set to never notify.
• Disable Secure boot in BIOS.
Redistributable packages, DirectX downloads and programs to disable Defender/SmartScreen are located within the mega link provided.
• Remove FaceIt and Vanguard
FaceIt this is anti-cheat CS:GO
Vanguard this is anti-cheat Valorant
Where to start
⦁ Head to our discord and look for the bot called “Demonix”, Message this bot the following command “!register” and follow instructions to register and change your password with the bot.
⦁ Once Registered you can claim your key by using this command “!redeem (Key)”.
For example; if you key is 12345 your use “!redeem 12345
⦁ Now that you have redeemed you key you can join a discord which is only for Hydra Lite users by messaging “!invite hydralite” to Demonix bot.
Set up Streamlabs (required)
⦁ You must download Streamlabs OBS - https://streamlabs.com/
⦁ After install you need to link an account, I use a twitch account, use whatever works for you.
⦁ Once you're all setup you need to open up OBS settings to enable the overlay.
⦁ Go to settings and head down to the Game overlay tab. Switch the overlay on and the other options OFF, set opacity to 100%
⦁ Still in settings, go to the Hotkeys tab, set a hotkey for the overlay. (Use F12)
⦁ It should look like this when your done with stream labs
Now that streamlabs is set up lets start running the loader
Injection Process
⦁ Ensure that everything in your BIOS is correct, 'Streamlabs OBS' is set up & all security features like anti-cheats/Virus & Threat Control is disabled/uninstalled.
⦁ Once everything is ready, you can start by messaging Demonix bot with this command “!build hydralite”
⦁ Run 'StreamLabs OBS' & enable the overlay with the keybind that you have set.
⦁ Run the loader as Administrator & make sure everything is green
⦁ Now, press 'Load' & continue, this will load the hyper-visor.
⦁ OPTIONAL: Run 'XEROA' OR your own Woofer & let it load (if you did run Xeroa, let it load & wait until you can press the 'Close' button.
⦁ Note: When using Xeroa spoofer the first time you will be given a seed number. Save this seed number somewhere safe and use the same seed each time you use the spoofer. Only change the seed number if you get banned after doing a thorough cleaning of traces.
⦁ Now, press Start next to 'Hydra Lite' and let it load until it pops up in the top left 'Waiting for game to run' via the overlay & let it automatically delete itself before starting Escape From Tarkov!
Menu Keybind is INSERT
For Reference the first time you launch the loader this is what you select:
This loads the hyper-visor so that you can inject.
After you load the hyper-visor and spoofer (if you use it), then press Start
Now lets move onto Configs
Will have a base config you can load included in the mega link, here is how you can load configs. Prior to booting the cheat you move the config in this folder:
Just copy and past these two files into the folder above. Mine shows “New volume” that’s because this is the partition I am cheating on, just ensure that you select the correct drive, head to users folder, then public folder and past the two files in there like shown above
Important to note: Configs can sometimes mess up which causes the cheat to mess up. Try not to save to many times in one session. If this ever happens sometimes you will inject but have no menu. Here is a way to fix the problem:
Save your config files in a separate folder to always have a second copy. If you config screws up just delete the files in your public folder and copy paste the two files you save elsewhere back in the public folder. This will fix the config issue. ALWAYS KEEP A SECOND COPY OF YOUR CONFIG FILES SEPERATELY
One known issue is overlay disappearing when being in a raid 35+ minutes sometimes.
To fix this don’t panic and close the game.
Simply hit this button: “Cache game world data” and is found under the Developer tap
This will reload your overlay to finish the raid. If you do this it is recommended once you extract to close the game and reinject
IF you experience overlay frame drops try this fix.
Head to performance and developer tabs, ensure both Vsync options are enabled then click on realtime for GPU priority. This should fix the frame drops
Note: GPU priority will reset itself an each inject so you will need to click on Realtime on each injection
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Last updated