System Requirements:
Windows 10/11
CPU: Intel/AMD
Loader Pre-Setup:
Disable any antivirus software and running anti-cheats (e.g., Faceit, Vanguard).
Disable Secure Boot in BIOS.
Turn off real-time protection in Windows Security.
Extract from above Visual-C-Runtimes.zip and run ‘install_all.bat’ as administrator.
Download SteelSeries.gg from the link above and follow the install then make a account.
Download The “Loader” from the link above
1. Download & Run The Loader:
Download then run the loader from the source above.
2. Account Creation and Key Insertion:
Click “Register”, then insert the provided key, your preferred username, and password
Then click 'Register', then login.
If you encounter an error while inserting the key, verify that there are no spaces within the key.
3. Load Fortnite External:
Login then select the 'Rust External' option in the loader.
Click ‘Load’ and wait for it to say “click ok to start” then click ok your system will restart.
4. Verify Antivirus Status:
Once your PC has restarted, check to ensure your antivirus software has not reactivated automatically.
5. Relaunch The Loader:
Once you’re computer has restarted relaunch the loader & then login and click “Rust External” then click Inject.
After you click inject it will tell you when to launch SteelSeries
6. Follow The Loader Instructions:
The loader will guide you on when to launch your game. Follow the prompts accordingly.
7. Once You’re In Game:
After launching the game, wait for the popup that says press “ALT + S” to appear.
Before pressing ok, go to the SteelSeries.gg app.
Navigate to the moments page and disable “Mic Capture” & “Voice Enabled Clipping”.
Keep gameplay capture on.
Click “Start Desktop Capture”.
Go back in-game, click “ok” on the popup, then press “ALT + S”. The Rust External menu will appear.
Common Issues:
Disabled Secure Boot In Bios:
Open a CMD Prompt by typing in your windows search bar “CMD”
Then Type This Command Into Your CMD “wmic baseboard get product,manufacturer”
And Then Copy Your Product and look up on google Your Product And “How To Disable Secure Boot On Product”
Then Follow The YouTube Guide You Find.
Menu Disappears In Game:
If the menu disappears at any point you can bring it back by pressing “ALT + S” and then once you see the menu go to a different application for 20 seconds
If the "ALT + S" menu doesn't appear within five minutes at the main menu:
If the “ALT + S” menu doesn’t appear it could be many things.
Disable Your Anti-Virus with D-Control & Restart Your PC & Then Restart The Injection Guide.
Uninstall All Razor Applications ( The Razor Application That Optimizes Your Game Interferes With The Cheat)
Some Anti-Virus’ Might Be Enabled Double Check Your Vanguard & Any Other Anti-Virus’ Is Uninstalled.
Re-Connect To The Loader With A VPN:
You can reconnect with any vpn but we recommend Protonvpn follow their setup guide and then click “quick connect” and then you can launch the loader and you can turn it off once you get to the main menu of rust and the cheat menu is open.
Last updated